Sunday 24 August 2008

Abandon Yourself!

Alexander the Great, the Greek king, once led his troops across a hot, arid desert. After nearly two weeks of marching, he and his soldiers were near death from thirst, yet Alexander pushed ahead.

In the noonday sun, two of his scouts brought what little water they were able to find. It barely filled a cup. Alexander's troops were shocked with he poured the water into the burning sand.

The king said, "It is of no use for one to drink when many thirst."

Treating those who report to you as partners or associates will not work if it's only a scheme of a strategy. It must be a genuine heart-felt expression.

When we truly believe in the potential of people, they rarely disappoint us. That is one of the messages of Max DePree, in his perceptive book, "Leadership is an Art." He recommends becoming "abandoned to the strength of others -- of admitting that we cannot know or do everything."

Story That I believe in ---



Rajeev said...

'Abandoned to the strength of others' -- Impressive! Although unheard by me ever before, it's quite boggling and unique reading this extreme thought/philosophy.

As far as I weigh, though very tough, mastering this philosophy will not only guarantee good heights to one's professional intelligence, but also it could help one to mitigate too many of his/her personal troubles in everyday life.

Grateful to you, Manz., for sharing a bit of your wisdom-yielding thoughts.

Rajeev said...
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Mini said...

Well said. My thoughts exactly. Sadly though, even if this fact is widely known, it is turned down either due to shrewd business philosophy or sheer ignorance.

Rajeev said...

True, Mini; thanks for paying some heed to the site and sharing your thoughts.