Saturday 10 May 2008

Follow Your Passion

What do you do? Most of the people ask you the same dull question when you are introduced to them and more often than not, you are talking about your work profile, your work place, future plan etc. but there are few people who think different and duck the trend and react by unfolding their passion, not their job. I have seen people who worked overnight and spent most of the time practising music. There are people who are blissfully unaware of their surroundings but lost in some kind of work that never drain them. This is actually a passion. A person with a passion takes more from life each day and give back more to life as well. It is sheer ecstasy that gives a fresh purpose to life.

People have misunderstood passion with hobby. Passion is one step ahead, it is an obsession. I knew a person who loved angling. Every Sunday he spent 4 to 5 hours in fishing. I have one friend whose passion is politics. He takes out time from his professional life and dedicates himself in party work. We all love to travel but very few of us are passionate about that. One of my friends, who is in well settled job, is planning to leave his job and join as a tour guide. This is passion!

There are people whose profession itself requires constant creativity; a passion helps to tap the creativity. Passion could be anything, even self contemplation and quest for spiritual fulfillment can be a passion that helps to broaden one’s outlook. Passion is actually to satiate senses and when you satisfy some part of your life, only then you will start to look beyond biases and accept people and life better.

Passionate people do not look for excuses, they look for opportunities. No matter how late they are in office or other work, they magically take out time for their passion. Another thing I have noticed that there are people who are dream stealers –who will either dissuade you or discourage you from following your passion. Simple advice is to keep a distance from them. It’s important to find like minded people to share. Even if you aren’t Charles Dickens, your ‘awful ‘write ups could win you friends. No one is perfect. This fact has to be remembered.

In today’s complicated world passion instill energy and keep you charged up. After all passionate people are the ones who stand out in a crowd.

By - Shubhajit