Everyone of ourselves cursed with negative energy that prevent us to do the productive things to build an effectual way of life. Negative energy is caused by by many factors; one of the prime accused is lack of confidence. Lack of confidence is caused by our childhood conditioning. Every baby born into the world arrives with a positive brain and during the first few months of its life, receives positive inputs from its parents and surroundings. As soon as child starts to move, the positive inputs increases the ‘yes’, ‘you can’, ‘you can do it’. The infants is soon able to stand the pride of parents increases and so do the positives. Eventually, the first step is taken, the baby can walk, friends and family are quite naturally invited to share in the pleasure and soon as the baby is really able to walk, the inputs turn dramatically from positive to negative. ‘Be careful’, ‘don’t touch it’ , ‘don’t do that’ and so on. And finally the positive brain starts to no no conditioning.
Failure is another aspect, which leads to lack of confidence and eventually, tons of negative energy infuse in our system. There is seldom anyone who haven’t experienced failure in life but how you deal with it depends on your guts and gumption. And that guts doesn’t comes from a vacuum but from your surrounding and circumstances. However, if you are in a place where your surrounding pitilessly prick your wound further and shatter your mental peace, this only affects on your positive thought process.
Motivation is also an important factor for upbring yourself in a positive environ. It is a human characteristics that when we truly see ourselves in whatever form that may be, we are definitely motivated. Some says, challenge does motivated. In my opinion failure can also motivate but again that depends on individual. Besides, a definite goal is must for motivation. There are obstacles in life that slower your pace, scant your motivation but if your goal is fixed, its impossible to get distracted.
If you encounter a successful experience , you gain confidence and ‘I CAN’ saturate in your mind. Opposite of it, failure leads to lack of confidence and ‘I CAN'T'. So, thrive for success in every possible horizon.
Note: - This story is not aimed to give any 'gyan'(lesson) to anyone, this is solely written by me, for me only.
Truly said, Shubhajit.
In the term of Behavioral Science, success and failure relies predominantly upon the kind of attitude one uses to deal his/her goal with. In addition, both the attitudes, pessimism and optimism, have greater role to determine our ways. I do agree with your point that “failures can also motivate.”
And yes, please do not say that this story is meant not to give any preaching to anyone. As you are posting here your thoughts, you must suppose that we are reading and learning very many things from your words.
Making mistakes are the prime means of solving life's problems. People are afraid of undertaking the trial for even once in their life time, that's because they are afraid of failure. I believe, only mistakes in our life pushes and forces us to reach the goals.
After all Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed.
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